Will Your Business Always Provide For You & Your Family? Even If Your Health Changes?
Many business owners put 100% of their focus, passion and energy into their business. They think that their business will always be there to provide them with an income and a windfall if they sell-up to retire.
Business owners are regularly required to carry out various risk assessments such as health & safety, business continuity, etc. The one risk that is often overlooked is the risk of themselves being taken out of action by an accident or ill health.
Business owners are regularly required to carry out various risk assessments such as health & safety, business continuity, etc. The one risk that is often overlooked is the risk of themselves being taken out of action by an accident or ill health.
Many business owners strive to get their business to a point where they can step back and the business run without them. For those that are still working towards this, their absence from the business would have a dramatic impact on both the business and their personal finances.
Things can get complex where income is made up of salary, dividends, repayment of directors’ loans and perhaps dividends to a spouse. However, arrangements can be put in place to help to mitigate these risks and ensure that plans stay on track.
Integrity Wealth Solutions are Independent, provide holistic advice and carry out whole of market research before any policy or arrangement is recommended.
For a free audit of these risks please get in touch with us on:
📞Tel: 02476 388911
📧Email: advice@integritywealth.co.uk